Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Leveling 1-5 I The Quick and Easy for a Druid

In the last post, I discussed the two main specs to choose when leveling a druid.  Hopefully, you took my hint and decided to go Feral, but even if you didn't you can still level quickly!

The easiest  and quickest way to progress through the early levels of being a druid (or any class for that matter) is to simply do quest.  Questing may get tedious, but it is by far the fastest leveling method there is (a lot faster then grinding).  Not only will you quickly move through the first 5 to 10 levels of your druid life, but you'll get quality gear and precious gold that you wouldn't get from grinding.  (I will do a post on when and how grinding is beneficial, though.) Gold is important because it allows you to purchase your spells, food, and water.  (Do NOT buy armor before at least level 10!  It is a huge waste of your gold because questing will provide you with more than ample gear!)

You will spend levels 1 to 5 in your starting town.  The quest in your starting town are to make it a breeze to level and get you addicted (help noobs learn the game). Make sure you get all the spells you can from your trainer - it is very important to learn you spells as quickly as you can because it makes leveling go a lot quicker.  (You can learn new spells ever other level - 2,4,6,8... etc.)

At early levels as a druid, will mostly use your Wrath spell and Moonfire spell to kill mobs intermixed with melee attacks when mana is low.  After receiving your buffs Mark of the Wild and Thorns, be sure that they are always active as this will help aid you in your leveling.  Outside, when you get Entangling roots, hit mobs with that first and cast a few ranged damage spells before you resort to melee attacks. Use your Rejuvenation spell early on to keep your health up and your Healing Touch spell for when your health gets really low.

Now that we have gone over a basic overview of how to play a Druid early on, and you a knowledgeable about the talent builds, let's move on to the quick level 1-5 power leveling guide. I will provide all the tips necessary for quick killing and maximum speed questing.

Starting out, you're equipped with a ranged attack and a healing spell. With the gold that your earn from questing, you can learn your first buff, Mark of the Wild. Like i stated before it is important to this active at all times.

Begin combat at maximum range with Wrath, spamming it until the mob comes into melee range. Since Wrath is a missile-type attack, combat may not actually begin until the missile strikes, giving you the opportunity to cast another bolt before the other hits. While up close, switch to your melee attack. Heal when necessary. For taurens (who likes horde?), you can War Stomp a mob at melee range to stun it, buying you time to cast spells or heal.  (Remember, there is a cool down on War Stomp.)

For ranged mobs, try to out spam them at maximum range first. If you run out of mana, wait, or run up to engage in melee. If the mob runs out of mana, it will run to you, giving you the opportunity to engage or increase distance to spam them again.

At Level 4, you can learn Moonfire and Rejuvenation, both effect-over-time spells and both very effective. Continue to open combat with Wrath, throwing in a periodic Moonfire to land the debuff, walking backwards or strafing to increase distance. Even at melee range, throw in a Moonfire when necessary, since as an instant cast, it isn't susceptible to spell interruption. Moonfire is also good at tagging the last blow when a mob is weak or running. Keep the Moonfire debuff active at all times during combat.

I hope that you got the basic idea of how to play your druid 1-5 for the quickest killing and maximum questing time.  Remember, use Rejuvenation to supplement your direct healing. Use Healing Touch for large, time-critical gaps in health.  The quickest way to level your Druid is through questing!

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